Panoramic View Capital Dome Helena Montana State Building

welcome to the 2025 annual pediatric roundup conference in BILLINGS, mt
October 3rd-5th at the Northern hotel in Downtown billings

For conference presentation slides, speaker bios and more please visit the conference website by navigating to the EDUCATION menu above and selecting Roundup 2025. The website password was included in an email sent to registered conference attendees.


Exhibitor and Sponsor registration opens March 1, 2024. Please review the exhibitor prospectus and reach out to with any additional questions. 


If you would like present at the 2025 conference please submit a proposal to by March 1st. Include the topic, learning objectives and speaking credentials. 

3rd Annual roundup pre-conference session on Children and youth with special healthcare needs - friday am

Please consider joining for our third annual pre-conference session specifically focused on the care of children with special health needs with the aim of improving provider confidence at caring for this patient population. The theme for this year’s special needs pre-conference is Autism and Austim Diagnosis in the primary care setting.
Thank you to our CYSHCN conference sponsor: DPHHS Section on Children Special Health Services