A Fellow or Specialty Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics. May include Dual Fellows and corresponding Fellows. Voting rights.
MD or DO physicians are eligible for board certification or who limit practice to specialty in pediatrics and are not AAP Fellows. They may serve on a committee or as a member-at-large, but not as the President of Vice President. No voting rights.
May include:
Any physician enrolled in PL-1, PL-2 or PL-3 of a pediatric residency training program. No voting rights.
Physicians age 65 years of age or older AND not in active practice. Voting rights if meets qualifications of Fellow or General membership.
Fellows, Specialty Fellows, Dual and Corresponding Fellows, who are at least 65 years of age and have been a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics for 30 years or more.
May include: medical students, nurse practitioner students, physician assistant students, etc. No voting rights.
Pediatric Sub-specialists may appreciate the benefit of a detailed listing in the Directory to increase their statewide referral base.