MTAAP Advocating for Montana's Children

Welcome to the Montana Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics

Advocating For The Health Of Montana's Children

MTAAP believes in the inherent worth of all of Montana's children and advocates for activities, programs, and policies that will promote their optimal health and well-being and aligns projects to enhance the professional and personal growth of our members.

MTAAP 2023 BluePrint

Review MTAAP’s 2023 Montana AAP Blueprint for Children to discover the top legislative priorities to promote child health and healthy communities.

Sign up

MTAAP Membership allows access to the
member directory and
Montana Subspecialist Directory

Montana reach Program

Click below to sign up for
2024 REACH Program


MTAAP hosts a Montana Pediatric Subspecialty webinar the second Tuesday of each month from 12:15 - 12:45

What’s New?

Child health advocacy updates, partnership work, programs and more.